Revelation series Revelation sermon series begins Sunday, Jan 5th

Summit Kids

Partnering with Parents

Kids' Ministry at Summit

On Sunday

We believe kids should have a blast at church every single week. Our staff is well trained and we make child safety a priority. On Sundays we offer unique ways for kids to learn about Jesus. During the sermon portion of the services, Summit Kids, 3 year-olds through 1st graders will be able to go to the Blast Zone, where our leaders partner with families to love, lead, and teach the next generation about the God who loves them.

On Wednesday

Just like you, we want your kids to know and love Jesus. Our staff and trained leaders have great ideas and tools to teach your kids about God's great love for them. Everything we do is centered around teaching God's word and creating environments that point to the grace and love of God! We also place a high value on developing authentic community, which means that helping families and kids build meaningful friendships is a high priority for us.

**Starting September 11th, 2024!** Wednesday evenings (Summit Nights) is a vibrant place for families and kids. After a meal in the Aledo Community Center, which starts at 6 pm, classes are offered by age-level for all kids. If you're new to Summit, we will make it easy for you when you arrive. Our hospitality greeters will help get you and your family to the right place.

Want to learn more about our Summit Kids experience? Simply click the button below. We look forward to seeing you & your kids.

Meet our Kids' Ministry Director