Revelation series Revelation sermon series begins Sunday, Jan 5th

Local Partners

Serve with us alongside our local community partners here in Aledo & in the greater Fort Worth area.

LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry

Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry is a national human-care ministry embracing the unique, calming nature and skills of purebred Golden Retrievers. The LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs are a bridge for compassionate ministry, opening doors for conversation about faith and creating opportunities to share the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ.

LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs are working animals, trained to interact with people of all ages and circumstances who are suffering and in need. The LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs serve every day in the community in which they are placed and are dispatched in times of disaster and crisis to bring comfort to all those affected, including first responders and the volunteers who serve them.

LCC never charges those we serve. We are able to do that with the support of donors. If you would like to help us, CLICK HERE.

Pax Comfort Dog and Phoebe Comfort Dog

Academy 4 is a gospel-motivated Christian non-profit that connects churches to schools and communities through mentoring 4th graders in leadership. They provide a mentor for EVERY 4th grader in the economically disadvantaged schools they serve. Mentor volunteers serve once a month for 90 minutes. They express love and care and provide the students with a positive relationship with a dependable adult.

Summit & St. Paul partner with Academy 4 at Daggett Elementary, which is located just a short distance from our downtown campus in the Fort Worth Near Southside neighborhood. 

Join many from St. Paul, Summit, and the community to make a difference in the life of a 4th grader at Daggett. Learn more about Academy 4 and how to get involved at Daggett HERE.

Lutheran Disaster Care

St. Paul partners with Lutheran Disaster Care whose focus is to show the mercy and compassion of Christ to those impacted by disaster.

Learn more about how to be equipped to serve and current disaster relief needs HERE.

Grace House Ministries - Weatherford

  • Grace House Ministries is a faith-based pregnancy resource center located in Weatherford, Texas. Founded in 1993, Grace House Ministries strives to promote hope, life, and knowledge in the community through Options Clinic, Grace House Pregnancy Center, and Pure Truth in-school training program.

Upbring - Foster Care and Adoption

Center of Hope

We are a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to helping others break the cycle of poverty in Parker Co.

We offer Short-term Crisis Assistance.

Help for Today provides groceries, daily meals and limited financial assistance to families experiencing a crisis.

We provide Long-term Solutions.

Hope for Tomorrow strives to nurture the development of education, mentoring relationships, and faith.

We extend into community neighborhoods.

Camp Hope reaches children and their families throughout summer with basic cooking lessons, Bible stories, groceries, and more.

We minister through Biblical principles.

At every encounter, whether in the classroom or 1-on-1, we share Hope through Jesus Christ. He is the reason for this ministry and the HOPE for all who enter our doors.

For more information contact Center of Hope here.

For almost 20 years, St. Paul has partnered with Lutheran Braille Workers, which exists to bring the Word of God to the 253 million people throughout the world who are Blind or Visually Impaired, completely free of charge, in Braille, Specialized Large Print, and Audio-Digital formats. Weekly, dozens of St. Paul church and school participants and community volunteers work in teams to produce Braille Bibles at our downtown St. Paul campus. Contact Arla Richter via email at: or call or text: 817-723-5379 for scheduling or more information.

Braille Bible, Braille printing machine, boxes of Braille Bibles for shipping, St Paul Lutheran Church, Fort Worth, TX


The Aledo Children’s AdvoCats is a non-profit organization of women committed to raising charitable funds to help fulfill and aid unmet needs of children and their families in the Aledo area.

Established in 2002, the AdvoCats have donated more than $800,000 to the community. 100% of money raised through fundraisers is used towards charitable efforts such as medical expenses, clothing, living expenses, wheelchairs, dental care, school supplies, counseling and more.