Revelation series Revelation sermon series begins Sunday, Jan 5th

St. Paul Downtown Campus

Central Location. Regional Influence.

Downtown Location

St. Paul's downtown campus is conveniently located on Interstate 30 at Summit Blvd. It is a mission hub connecting with families from more than 60 zip codes in Tarrant, Parker, Johnson Counties, and more.

When St. Paul Lutheran Church was established in 1893, our mission was to serve as a Gospel outreach base not just for Fort Worth and its suburbs, but several counties in North Texas. For more than a century, that mission has continued and the St. Paul family now includes people from more than 60 different zip codes and three counties.

Our current central city location has been the hub for our regional mission reach since 1954. Known by many for our A-frame Sanctuary along Interstate 30, or our Bible verse sign that exists for the sole purpose of blessing passers-by with God's Word. We are a community of Christ-followers on a mission to share our love of Jesus with wherever we live, work, or play. We are a church without walls. Our St. Paul mission: "Ignite passion for Christ wherever we are; love unexpectedly wherever we go."

Worship Venues

St. Paul's downtown campus offers two worship venues.

In the Sanctuary, worship services are liturgically based with a blended mix of traditional and contemporary music. Our newly renovated pipe organ, along with creative vocal and instrumental elements, helps to create a beautiful worship experience.

The New Life Center is home to our contemporary worship venue. This more casual worship venue offers a dynamic, modern worship experience with music led by a dynamic worship band.

  • Traditional Sanctuary: Sundays at 8:00 am | 10:45 am
  • Contemporary: Sundays at 11:00 am

  • Traditional Online: Sundays at 8:00 am
  • Contemporary Online: Sundays at 11:00 am

Just for Kids

We believe that kids should have a blast at church every single week. Our staff is well trained and we make child safety a priority. We have a staffed nursery for infants and toddlers during worship services. The first time you visit come a little early and we will help you check your child in and introduce you to our staff.

Sunday's during the 9:30 hour we offer unique ways for kids to learn about the extraordinary life found in Jesus. Our leaders partner with families to love, lead and teach the next generation about the God who loves them.

How to find us?

Directions to our downtown campus HERE. You'll arrive on the east side of our campus adjacent to the Sanctuary and Welcome Center. Our Nursery is located in the Welcome Center.

If you plan to attend our contemporary worship service in the New Life Center and don't need a Nursery, you can park on the west side of our campus adjacent to he New Life Center. Directions HERE.

Either way, You'll find a team of greeters eager to welcome you and point you in the right direction.